Start the School Year off Right With Healthy Vision

Sep 3, 2015

Good eyesight is an important part of any successful school year — it helps kids perform their best both in the classroom and on the playground. Poor vision can make learning difficult and stressful. When children can’t see clearly, they often develop avoidant behavior that can cause their schoolwork and extracurricular activities to suffer. Kids don’t always speak up when they start having a hard time seeing, and early signs of a problem aren’t always obvious. If you notice any of the following symptoms in your child, it may be time for a check-up:

  • Squinting or blinking
  • Frequent headaches
  • Rubs eyes often
  • Covers one eye to see
  • Holds books close to face
  • Tilts head to one side
  • Complains of double vision
  • Difficulty remembering what they have read
  • Short attention span
  • Loses place when reading

Early detection makes a difference

Apart from blurred eyesight, two of the most common childhood vision problems are lazy eye (amblyopia) and crossed eyes (strabismus). Letting vision impairments like these go untreated can delay your child’s development and result in complications that are more difficult to fix later on. Regular eye exams can help catch and correct any problems as they occur. If it’s been awhile since your child’s last vision screening, schedule an appointment with your family doctor today.